MONROVIA – Since the global community graduated from the valley of antiquity and the analog era to the amiable plain of ICT, information and communication technology, there has been spiraled competition amongst regions and countries and institutions to innovate and revolutionize very spere of life and to lead others in those domains. The epicenters of the competition have been learning centers—mainly colleges and universities of the competing forces. Truth is, while many are far advanced, others are creeping behind. That’s why, apparently, one of the Liberia’s premier centers of knowledge, the Cuttington University, be its undergraduate and post-graduate programs, has mainstreamed innovation and modernization towards greatness and integrity. At its 62nd Convocation held Saturday, June 15, the President of the University declared the takeoff of its flagship strategic program called Greatness, Innovation and Integrity or GII Plan which has since been producing impactful results. The Analyst reports.